Dengue viruses, mosquito-borne members of the Flaviviridae family, are the causative fever[1]. Dengue is the most importan at geemntesr goifn dge nvigruael da imseaajsoer oinf therunmaatinosn atlh aptu binli cre hceeanltt hd eccoandceesr nh. aDs ebnegcuoem ies wfoournldd, ipnr etrdoopmicinaal natnlyd isnu bu-rbtraonp aicnadl sreemgiio-nusr baaronu anrde at[h2]e. Icta isse se sotifm daetnedg uteh afte tvheerr e are between 50 and 100 million dengue haemorrhagic fev(eDrF ) and about 500 000 cases of hospitalization (DHF) each year which require bite of an infect[e3]d. Dengue fever is spread through the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The mosquito sgyemtsp tthoem voifr utsh eb yd ibseitaisneg aapnp einarfes citne da bpoeurts o5n-[74] .d Tayhse affitresrt tthoe b iencfeocmteed imnfoescqtueidto b byi tedse nag hueea lmthuyl tpieprlseo nti.m Ite iss bpeocsasiubslee itnhfee cvtiirouns choansf eforsu rl idfeiflfoenrge nitm smeruontiytpye tso. tAhlatht opuagrhti ceualcahr