The study was conducted in the northwest part of Punjab in India,located in the Shiwaliks belt of lower Hima鄄
layas. The climate of the region is semi鄄arid sub鄄tropical with warm summers and cold winters. The mean annual
summer and winter temperatures in the region vary from 15 22益 and 5 6益 . The mean summer soil tempera鄄
ture varies from 29 32益 and mean winter soil temperature varies from 8郾 4 15益 . The area receives an annual
average rainfall of 950依291 mm of which about 80% is received during a short period of three months(July Sep鄄
tember)with a high degree of coefficient of variation(Sur and Ghuman,1994). Shallow soil depth and stoniness in
the region generates rapid runoff due to low storage,low water holding capacity and low nutrient status. Stoniness
covering 25% of the area is the main problem in severely eroded areas(Sidhu et al郾 ,2000). Soils in the region
are generally light textured,well drained and highly erodible(Kukal et al郾 ,1991).