5. Education and Preparedness
(1) Maintains knowledge in areas relevant to disaster and disaster nursing.
(2) Participates in drills in the workplace and community.
(3) Seeks to acquire new knowledge and maintain expertise in disaster nursing.
(4) Facilitates research in disaster.
(5) Evaluates the need for additional training and obtains required training.
(6) Develops and maintains a personal and family preparedness plan.
(7) Describes the nurse’s role in various disaster assignments (e.g.
shelters, emergency care sites, temporary health care settings,disaster coordination and management units).
(8) Maintains a personal disaster/emergency kit (e.g. identification card, appropriate clothing, insect repellent, water bottle) in the event of deployment to a disaster.
(9) Implements preparedness activities as part of a multidisciplinary team.
(10) Assists in developing systems to address nursing and health care personnel capacity-building for disaster response.
(11) Takes on a leadership role in the development and implementation of training programmes for nurses and other health care providers.
(12) Evaluates community readiness and takes actions to increase readiness where needed.