Figure 4.4 indicated that particle size of flour influenced the swelling power of flour
suspension. Flour with smaller mean particle size showed higher swelling power than flour
with larger mean particle size in both sets of samples. This result agrees with
Prinyawiwatkul, et al. (1997) who indicated that finer cowpea flours had greater swelling
capacity. Okehukwuu, et al. (1991) also reported that smaller mean particle size of cowpea
starch did not limit moisture diffusion into a starch particle. This higher diffusion of water
of small particle may result in more swelling power of starch granule. Oh, et al. (1985,
1986) indicated that more water absorption was observed in wheat flour with smaller mean
particle size. More water absorption results in more swelling power of finer flour.
Jomduang and Mohamed (1994) also reported that glutinous rice flour with smaller particle
size had higher water absorption index and produced puffed product with highest expansion
ratio. The different of swelling power between small and large particle may be due to the
strength of micelle in the starch granule (Sriroth, 1999). Micelle in larger particle size may
44 have more strength and limit the absorption of water into the granule. Consequently, larger
particle results in lower swelling power.
Figure 4.4 indicated that particle size of flour influenced the swelling power of flour
suspension. Flour with smaller mean particle size showed higher swelling power than flour
with larger mean particle size in both sets of samples. This result agrees with
Prinyawiwatkul, et al. (1997) who indicated that finer cowpea flours had greater swelling
capacity. Okehukwuu, et al. (1991) also reported that smaller mean particle size of cowpea
starch did not limit moisture diffusion into a starch particle. This higher diffusion of water
of small particle may result in more swelling power of starch granule. Oh, et al. (1985,
1986) indicated that more water absorption was observed in wheat flour with smaller mean
particle size. More water absorption results in more swelling power of finer flour.
Jomduang and Mohamed (1994) also reported that glutinous rice flour with smaller particle
size had higher water absorption index and produced puffed product with highest expansion
ratio. The different of swelling power between small and large particle may be due to the
strength of micelle in the starch granule (Sriroth, 1999). Micelle in larger particle size may
44 have more strength and limit the absorption of water into the granule. Consequently, larger
particle results in lower swelling power.
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