Thank you for your wrote e-mail to me. My name is Chinu and 37 years old. I'm real Thai people. I was born in Bangkok , I live with my mom and new dad,(my real dad was died) I have 1 sister and she leave my family with her son. I can speak Thai and a little English. Ok? do not mind of me.
I'm still single too , I work in construction company, I'm an site-architect.
If your visit in Thailand i will take care of you as possible and i will teach you about Thai too. Don't worry.
Your job is very great more than me. I'm sorry about you mom, I used to had a girlfriend before too, but we are sepereted , I dont mind the part of you. I'm okay. I dont looking forword to the future much, I just stay in moment live and lern and make to happy.
I like travel but I dont have a chace.
The weather in Thailand almost to hot about 6-8 month per year but now are still on raining.
Thank you for your imformation. and sorry about my english if make it mistake and wrong sentence you must understand of me..
Take care
PS.some words i used google for translate..