Serum and urine ionic fluoride: normal range in a nonexposed population.
Torra M1, Rodamilans M, Corbella J.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the fluoride status in the general healthy population of Barcelona. Serum and urine fluoride ionic concentration was determined in a random sample of 250 subjects (age range 15-90 yr) by the Orion fluoride electrode system to determine the normal range of fluoride in this population. The results obtained show that in the general population of Barcelona, fluoride ionic serum concentration ranges between 1 and 47 microg/L (x = 17.5 +/- 9.7 microg/L) and fluoride ionic urine concentration ranges between 156 and 1990 microg/24 h (x = 671 +/- 373 microg/24 h). The mean serum fluoride concentration of the younger population was shown to be significantly greater (p < 0.05) than that of the older group. No sex-related difference was found.