This paper is part of Design of Prototype of Kra Isthmus OTOP Center research project. The study objectives to study the history and archeology of the Kra Isthmus. Ranong and Design of Prototype of Kra Isthmus OTOP Center. The process is designed to analyze and integrate knowledge from the local to the data, analyze them and tell stories for Value Creation of OTOP Center and local product. Local product sample of 65 items for research. This is a sampling Found All of the vital link to the of the sustainability local business development. Sustainable development is meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Researchers have built a prototype and test equipment. The word is the 2 key words are linked to the concept of sustainable development Include needs and present generation. Research has shown that Creative design, a vital link between needs and present generation. The focus on improving the environmental friendly products, coupled with the development of a competitive economy. Value creation and the development of sustainable communities. Need for sustainable consumption and production is sustainable.