In Trentino-Alto Adige (North-East of Italy), Prodoruttietal.(2012) reported that, in apple orchards affected by blisterbark and dieback, P. syringae pv. syringae has been isolatedtogether with fungi such as Phomopsis spp., Neonectriaspp., and Botryosphaeriaceae, the latter generally considered as endophytesand saprophytes (Udayangaetal., 2011) and requiring serious pre-disposing factors to cause visible damages. The study conducted in Piedmont also indicated the presence of Phomopsis mali, Sphaeropsis malorum and Nectria galligena isolated in decreasing order(Scortichini and Morone, 1997). Their presence was attributed to the weakening of the plant induced by P. syringae pv. syringae .