1. That the Big Bang is a scientific theory rather than a psychological operation.
2. That the Keynesian multiplier is a real thing rather than part of a wealth expropriation debt racket.
3. That plate tectonics is even physically possible.
4. That Albert Einstein was a scientist and not a con artist.
5. That its okay to substitute a single proxy for an unknown data set like the ice record CO2.
6. That it's okay to substitute a single proxy for three unknown data sets like with red shift.
7. That Goddard, Hadley and NOAA's climate divisions are three different institutions rather than a single fraudulent operation.
8. That there is no luminiferous aether. That Michelson Morley showed there was no aether. That Michelson Morley implies rather than falsifies the Einstein system. And that anyone other than geocentrists thought that the aether was fixed. That the fact that light moves in wave is not total proof of the aether.
9. That conservation of mass and energy could even possibly be true.
10. That Newton could even possibly get everything right, given the data he had available, and that therefore there is no case for systematic audit and revision.