Improved sensorial and nutritional characteristics of the final product
can be achieved using oleuropeinolytic strains of the L. plantarum
group as both debittering and fermentation agents. The fermented
product should be stored under refrigeration in order to avoidmicrobial
growth or alternatively, pasteurization may be applied as a barrier in
order to prolong the shelf life. Table olives produced according to industrial
processing are stored at room temperature due to the increased
salt concentration. The populations of E. coli O157 EDL-932
and L. monocytogenes Scott A inactivated by more than 6 logs in
≤24 h in olive homogenates by themicroflora of both olive cultivars
fermented by OSC in reduced salt brines. L. monocytogenes counts detected
in olive pulp after immersion in peptone/saline suspension
eliminated under the detection limit after 7 days of storage at 22 or
4 °C. Whereas, E. coli O157 population lower than 1.6 log CFU/g
could be detected in olives stored in peptone/saline at 22 °C for
7 days.