Ozdemir et al 7 in the study of Childhood foreign body
aspiration recorded that 10 children (six boys, four girls)
with a diagnosis of foreign body aspiration (FBA) amongst
19,951 cases that underwent autopsy between the years
1996-2002. Eight of the children were under 2 years old. All
the incidents took place at home. The legal instructions,
which regulate the standards of toy materials, came into
force at the end of 2003. Even though the legal instructions
regulating the size and consistency of toys are very
important to prevent FBA, we believe that the education of
the parents and carers in the prevention of food aspiration is
of greater importance.
Macgregor et al 8 in the study of Fingertip trauma in children
from doors who were attending accident and emergency
(A&E) department in the Royal Aberdeen Children's
Hospital (U.K). Fingertip and nail bed trauma caused by
doors is common in children, occurring when fingers are