Track 04 – A gradual change (part one)
*phone righs*
– It’s me! This really has a direct connection, huh? It’s my first time using it, but for a machine invented by common people it’s pretty convenient. Hmm? I was thinking of changing my plans sometimes. It’s good to call for you, but this kind of thing is also very interesting. I wonder if it’s because I can hear your voice closer than usual… Heh. How about you? Can’t you feel like I’m close?
You’re unusually honest on the phone, aren’t you? This side of you? It may also be good. It made me want you even more.
By the way, you have the day off today, right? You’re asking why I know that? I told you over and over, there’s nothing I don’t know about you. That’s why, tomorrow-
– Please give that to me!
– That voice I heard at the end… Shit… Why, why! Why does that man always get in the way at the good part? If that guy wasn’t here, if he didn’t exist then I could make her mine! Why?!
I didn’t like him from the moment I first met him, but I didn’t imagine he’d turn into enemy like this. Ha…haha…Hahaha! If he did so much that I have no choice! I need to answer to the Doctor’s expectations!
*dials* *rings*
It’s me. Prepare what I tell you right now.
– I’m sorry for doing that so suddenly. Yes…
The call just now was from Sakae-kun, wasn’t it? That person really lacks common sense…That’s a typical rich person’s attribute…If possible I’d want him moved to another hospital, but I can’t do that as long as he has a relative among the higher ups. But if he continues troubling you that will cause difficulties in your duties…Well, then, what should we do?
Ah, It’s mine.
What is wron—Eh? Miyagawa-san’s condition has…? I understand. I’ll be there immediately.
I will be going out for a bit. Please be on standby. If something happens I will call you.
– You picked up too slow! Hey, is it Ok to be like that
What would you do if my condition suddenly got worse and every moment were important? I said something so conceited, but that kind of situation is impossible in my case. Well, I’ll forgive you this time. If you answer slowly next time…heh…look forward to what happens.
And then. I didn’t call you to talk about such useless things. There’s something I want to give you so come to my room right this instant. Got it?
– Well, sit down there.
By the way, what happened to Doctor Takaki? When I call you he usually comes like an extra. Hmm? An emergency patient? Is that so? Then I should get over with it fast. I wouldn’t want him to interfere again. I wanted to give you this.
This? This is a sleeping drug my company made.
What’s with that face? Did you think I’m being hospitalized because I want to? Where can you find that kind of freak?
I’m just being treated as a hospitalized patient for the sake of the company’s appearances. Well, even if I were at the company, I’d just be a burden to my bro.
But enough talk of myself. I-I’m not being shy! Shut up! Shut up! It’s not like I wanted to talk about that! Jeez!
And what I wanted to say: I remembered you saying that you haven’t been able to sleep well lately. It’s something available on the market, but you should try using it. I heard it’s really popular amongst the commoners. Isn’t it all right to experience medicine’s effectiveness? Here. I’m giving it to you. That’s all I needed with you. You can go back now.
“Eh” you say? You don’t have to be surprise— Ah, is that so? You want to be with me more? Yeah, yeah. That’s it, that’s it! I don’t mind at all! I’ll stay by your side an hour or even the whole day…No, that’s not enough. The whole year, no, I’ll stay by your side forever! Hehe! Don’t be reserved! I understand! You just wanted to make me jealous using Doctor Takaaki, right? You also got a boyfriend to check my feelings, right? I know it all! That’s why I made you break up with your boyfriend. I just found a woman who needed money. When I gave her a bundle of money to seduce a certain guy, she did truly well. Well, when I also gave the guy some money, he gave up obediently. Hahaha! You understand who I’m talking about, don’t you? That’s right, it’s your ex boyfriend. It’s easy to deal with commoners because they’re honest when it comes to money. They all become honest if you show them a large sum of money. Hehehe. That’s why I told you: It was right to break you with that guy. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you. That’s if you listen to what I say until you die. I’ll tell you, but it’s useless to go to the police. You can do anything with them as well if you have money. You can’t run away anymore. Hahahah! The show has just started. I prepared you a special seat. Look forward to it until the end.