Throughout life a person experiences many obstacles, challenges, and hardships; sometime we face them alone, afraid, and at times confused. However, there always seems to be one individual that we seek for guidance, for inspiration, or to simply to save us from our troubles. To some they are know as heroes, but to me they are known as my mom and dad, they were always by my side in any situation I was in and they always kept their best interest at heart.
No matter where I was in school, at work, on the field playing soccer, my parents were always behind me. Most noticeably in my high school career; my mother and father always push me to my limits to achieve better, but that’s just the surface they always had time to listen to my problems no matter how minuet or massive these situations where. My dad always shared a time in his past where he surpassed a scene similar to mine; my mother with endless wisdom, giving me advice and a similar story to enlighten my path. Their stories no matter how sad or happy always inspires me to become more and take this opportunity in this county to study and make something of my life.
These heroes don’t just inspire me they protect me as well. Although life is never fair, I remember a time when I was young I was invited to a party with group of my friends. Even though they were going and adults were present m parents would not let me attend the party. Unfair as it sounds this restriction saved me from a gargantuan amount of trouble; little did I know my “friends” were caught doing things like alcohol and even marijuana. Yet it did not stop there, even the police officers had to intervene their “little” party, making the situation even more mind blowing to me. As timid as I was I told my parents because I felt the had a right to know what happened that night when I suppose to be involved. They did no yell, or be mad, with a sigh they told me the “what if’s” and honestly, there was nothing to be afraid of in my opinion because I was safe.
These heroes of mine may not be the fairest or the coolest, but they are to me; they were always try to protect me no matter what. And my parents always help me in my time of needed even when they have things to do themselves. Not even Spider Man or superman can compare to what they did for me in my educational career; the only difference is they are without a cape and a suit.