Participating in an Italian classroom for a month gave me so much time to make observations, conjectures, questions and even answer some of those questions. After only one day, though, I observed extreme differences between the way American and Italian teachers conduct a classroom. One of the biggest differences in the the discipline and class management setup by the teachers. In the classroom in Italy, I observed a lot of free time for the students when they were supposed to be doing book work and while some students had oral quizzes with the teacher. During this free time, students talked a good amount, but never moved from their seats or even got loud. The only form of discipline or management that I ever observed during the entire month from the teacher was yelling. When the students get louder than the teacher liked, she would bang her hand on the desk and yell at the students, when a student got an answer wrong, she yelled at him for about 3 minutes straight as the rest of the class watched. Granted, these particular examples are from one specific teacher, the other teachers I observed, though not as bad about yelling at the students, still had no other forms of classroom management in place.