systemSix wood-framed rectangular tanks with a slightly slopedbottom tanks (18.6 m2, mean 15.7 m3of water, mean depth of0.81 m) lined with high density polyethylene (HDPE) located out-doors at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Harry K.Dupree Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Center (HKD-SNARC), Stuttgart, AR, USA, were used for this study. One 2.6-kWblower per three tanks provided air (ca. 295 m3/h) continuouslythrough a diffuser grid (six 5.95 m × 2.5 cm polyvinyl chloride pipeswith 1.9-mm diameter holes drilled at 15-cm intervals) on thebottom of each tank. Waters from a BFT production experimenttesting different levels of solids removal that concluded 14–15November 2013 and contained low (153.3 ± 39.5 mg/L, mean ± SE)or high (790.0 ± 48.4 mg/L) TSS were retained for this study. Eachtank required about 10% well water to complete filling. Triplicatetanks each were assigned randomly to the low and high TSS con-centrations. Solids were not removed from tanks during this study.