ow Ping = disadvantage in CS:GO?
On the Valve servers (on DM, Casual or Competetive) it seems to me that having a low ping seems to carry a distinct disadvantage, it actually appears to me like having severe lag.
I have a Intel Ivy i5 quad at 4Ghz, 8GB ram and a GTX760, 60hz screen (atm) running CS:GO off an SSD and more importantly for this issue: I have a wired connection (1Gbps, 2.4~2.6ms ping) to my gateway and a 200/20 fiber connection. Usually, I have 12-16ms ping on the scorescreen.
Now most of the times, when peeking, I die repeatedly to players with latencies over 60ms. These players can land 3-5 hits before they properly turned or peaked the corner, while I can simply only land 1 in the same time, while I know they were coming.
Now I know, in Casual, they can simply be better players, reacting faster, etc etc. I'm getting old, I'm not the fastest CS:GO player. But in competetive match making, this can also happen with players below my rank, with my ping at 15ms and theirs at 66. I simply am unable to damage them before they killed me, like having 300ms ping.
The funny thing is, when I'm on a competetive server with 50ms ping (probably because of the server location), I do not experience this at all! It seems the game favours 30-75ms?
The games where I had a higher latency, were actually the ones were I ended up a lot higher on the scoreboard. What is going on? Is there a network smoothing feature to tweak? Should I constrain my connection when playing CS:GO? Is this a server side bug?