RE 312 Wind and Solar energy technology
Assigned date: Wednesday 19 August 2015.
Submitted date: Monday 31 August 2015.
Submitted time: Before class.
Submitted place: In the class room.
Total score: 95
Assignment 1
Introduction and the sun
1. Explain in detail about each of the following solar energy conversion processes.
1.1 Thermal conversion
1.2 Photovoltaic conversion
1.3 Biological conversion (15)
2. Find the distance in km of your birth place from the equator and the 0° degree longitude
line. Please also indicate the direction (North or South of the equator and East or West of
the prime meridian) (10)
3. Use the Excel to plot a graph between the EoT and the day of the year. Then report the
value EoT of day twelve of each month in the table. After that, use the EoT to find the local
solar time (LST) of day twelve of each month for Maejo University. Assuming that the
local time (LT) is 11.40. Please show in detail at least one answer how you come up with
the answer. (20)
4. Equation on slide 76 describes the distance from the sun to Earth. Use Excel program to
calculate and plot this distance as a function of days. From the graph, find the maximum
and minimum value of the distance. When is it occurs? Is it sensible to assume that the
distance from the sun to Earth is constant? Comment on your result. (20)
5. Equation 7 (slide 87) is the relationship between the declination angle and the day of the
year. Use Excel program to obtain and plot the declination angle as a function of days.
From your calculation, when does the sun position directly above the equator? What
happens on that particular day? When is the declination angle maximum? When is the
declination angle minimum? What happen on those particular dates? Explain your result.