There are many reports on using HAP to remove a variety of metals.
Recently, Zhou et al. [19] have synthesized a hydroxyapatite
nanoparticle as adsorbent for the removal of copper ion. Dybowska
et al. [20] have reported the natural and synthetic apatites for the
removal of metals from aqueous solutions. Mignardi’s group has
studied the removal of copper and zinc from single- and binarymetal
solutions using hydroxyapatite [21]. Smiciklas et al. [22]
reported that HAP had high sorption capacity for Cd2+, Zn2+ and
Pb2+. They found that the maximum sorption capacity of HAP was
676.09, 67.55 and 37.53mgg−1 for Pb2+
, Cd2+ and Zn2+ respectively.
A comparative study of the adsorption of Cd, Zn and Co by
calcite and HAP was performed by Cicerone and coworkers [23]
using batch experiments. The results showed that both materials
were effective for heavy metals retention, but HAP had better performance
for water treatment due to its greater efficiency for the
retention of Cd, Zn and Co. However, all the adsorbents based on
HAP described above had the common drawback of inconvenience
to separation.
There are many reports on using HAP to remove a variety of metals.Recently, Zhou et al. [19] have synthesized a hydroxyapatitenanoparticle as adsorbent for the removal of copper ion. Dybowskaet al. [20] have reported the natural and synthetic apatites for theremoval of metals from aqueous solutions. Mignardi’s group hasstudied the removal of copper and zinc from single- and binarymetalsolutions using hydroxyapatite [21]. Smiciklas et al. [22]reported that HAP had high sorption capacity for Cd2+, Zn2+ andPb2+. They found that the maximum sorption capacity of HAP was676.09, 67.55 and 37.53mgg−1 for Pb2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ respectively.A comparative study of the adsorption of Cd, Zn and Co bycalcite and HAP was performed by Cicerone and coworkers [23]using batch experiments. The results showed that both materialswere effective for heavy metals retention, but HAP had better performancefor water treatment due to its greater efficiency for theretention of Cd, Zn and Co. However, all the adsorbents based onHAP described above had the common drawback of inconvenienceto separation.
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