- Types of Galaxies / Elliptical Galaxies
Elliptical galaxies lack spiral arms and dust and contain stars that aregenerally Identified as being old
* Appear sd one bright light
* have an oval of elliptical shape
- Types of Galaxies / lrregular Galaxies
Irregular galaxies lack and specific form and contain stars, gas and dust generally associated with a youth
- often contain youn stars
Our Milky Way Galaxy
* Is considered to be a barred spiral galaxy
* About 100,000 light years across
* Has over 200 billion stars
- largest known galaxy has over 100 trillion stars
* A large black hole is at its center
* It is about 13.4 billion years old
- Almost as old as the universe itself 13.8 billion
Black Holes (6.5)
* the most dense objects in the universe
- And therefore have an enormously strong gravity
- So dense that even light can not escape