Having acted for one year or ten years, the difficulties you face are different. What is the one difficultly that So Ji Sub faces when he acts?
At the beginning, my head started to function first, then it comes from the heart. "How would it be if it's done this way?" I didn't realize I started to factor this in.
Perhaps we can say this is because you've adapted to acting?
I don't like it. It's only an improvement in acting skills. That saying means there will no improvement in your acting skills and will become boring. Your acting will become cold and rigid and I don't like that. Occasionally my head started to function first, but even though the production became a success, I feel tired and find that there was no fun in it at all.
So how would you consider Oh My Venus?
During the filming of TV dramas, I feel happy and pleasant. Regardless, it's the first time in Korea to film this kind of TV drama. I guess you can say it's "cheesy"? There aren't any thrilling elements, yet there are many aspects that you've seen before. If this is a kimchi soup, some people would add tuna, some would add pork. I treat this production as a delicious soup that has the addition of a new ingredient