Read literature for the pleasure of reading it. Whatever else you find will be the measure of
what you brought to the reading ," Ernest Hemingway once told an interviewer. We all have different personalities
and we all read for different reasons. But , we all look forward to being entertained by what we read. In an exciting story
, we are offered the fun of letting our imagination enter into the situation of the story. Or , we are able to identify with a
character in the story because the character experiences something very similar to what we have experienced ourselves.
Being curious readers , we can leave a reading with more than just entertainment. We gather information that helps us
understand ourselves and others better.
Beyond these important reasons for reading stories , however , reading carefully promises further pleasure : the
pleasure of enjoying the way the storyteller uses words to create a fine work. It is this way of reading carefully that
helps us understand the full achievement of the story and its writer. Literature is art and the storyteller is an artist.
So , no matter how informal a story seems , we know that the writer or artist took great care in creating the work of art and only through a very thorough reading can we hope not only to be entertained and perhaps learn something about
ourselves , but also to fully appreciate the intentions of the writer as artist.
Read literature for the pleasure of reading it. Whatever else you find will be the measure of
what you brought to the reading ," Ernest Hemingway once told an interviewer. We all have different personalities
and we all read for different reasons. But , we all look forward to being entertained by what we read. In an exciting story
, we are offered the fun of letting our imagination enter into the situation of the story. Or , we are able to identify with a
character in the story because the character experiences something very similar to what we have experienced ourselves.
Being curious readers , we can leave a reading with more than just entertainment. We gather information that helps us
understand ourselves and others better.
Beyond these important reasons for reading stories , however , reading carefully promises further pleasure : the
pleasure of enjoying the way the storyteller uses words to create a fine work. It is this way of reading carefully that
helps us understand the full achievement of the story and its writer. Literature is art and the storyteller is an artist.
So , no matter how informal a story seems , we know that the writer or artist took great care in creating the work of art and only through a very thorough reading can we hope not only to be entertained and perhaps learn something about
ourselves , but also to fully appreciate the intentions of the writer as artist.
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