How calm the world all
nature slumber still.
Grey is the sky. No breezes blow.
O'er roof and hill, the moon now low
Sends gentle light to guard below.
Cocks waking call 'cross the fields:
Grey shadows flee. Stars disappear.
But, here I lie sleepless, dear.
Bats flutter home. The dawn is near.
Gold streaks the east.
Its glow, the reefs reflect,
Dark leaves turn green.
And flow'rs with light, are deck.
Now birds and babes wake to play.
The world expectant waits
To greet a bright, new day.
Dew fresh and cool. The town awakes from sleep!
Its throb I hear: car, speeding, hum.
Of love and hope the birds sing, dear
Come, rise don't mope. The dawn is near.