The concealed or hidden weapon is sharp, violently poisonous toxin and corrosion, even if formidable building up body is unable to resist.
Everybody is treasures hunt, regarding other does not have what meaning actually, therefore has a look here reputation anything later to decide to exit now, exits is not very difficult, but Qing Shui has not planned to destroy here scheme, even outside strategy return to original state, making Liu continue preservation such.
Is good because of outside all these, several people just came out, discovered that some distant place people are staring here unexpectedly, several people come out, got down that several people actually jumped, then a person shouted: „Some people came out.”
This shouted that one will come several people, to size up the opposite that Qing Shui maintains composure, he knows that the opposite person is impossible to know one one line has made anything, does not know why must embrace itself.
Qing Shui does not know these people, but a little, will come here person is not the untalented person.
„Has the matter, was all right we to walk, matter.” Qing Shui said directly, no matter also said to whom.
„You are the God Temple people.” Walks a middle-aged man to say directly.
Qing Shui knits the brows, now can look that the opposite party future is bad, therefore said directly: „Has the matter?”
Qing Shui had not replied that the opposite person also knits the brows: „I am Raging Fire Immortal Palace Lie Yanglie.”
„Lie Yanglie? Has not listened, Raging Fire Immortal Palace, has heard probably.” Qing Shui carefully is thinking very much, said toward person.
„Lie Yanglie is Raging Fire Immortal Palace rare and beautiful flowers, unique existence, is very formidable, if no under the accident the Raging Fire Immortal Palace palace main is he, previous God Temple and Flame Cloud Palace compete that to take the old man as the scarlet of testimony are also Raging Fire Immortal Palace, called Miao Yonglong.” Mountain Moving War-God said.
Such saying Qing Shui actually has remembered Raging Fire Immortal Palace, initially he really had not recorded, said with a smile: „What matter asks me to have?”
Qing Shui is very tranquil, tranquil as if sees an ordinariest person, even is a stranger, actually in Qing Shui felt that this is a stranger, has not thought has anything to occur together does not want anything to occur together.
„I must hit one with you.” Lie Yanglie was disregarded was not feeling well twice very much, must know that Fierce Yang Immortal Palace is in name stronger compared with God Temple and Tai Yi Immortal Palace.
„Does not have the interest!” Qing Shui knits the brows said directly.
„I thought that you do not dare.” Saying that Lie Yanglie also thinks little.
„How to think as you like.” Qing Shui smiled indifferent saying.
Said that prepares to walk.
„The northern emperor young lady, such soft egg do you also want?” Lie Yanglie said toward Beihuang Fan.
Beihuang Fan looks that Lie Yanglie then almost an instantaneous flash in the Qing Shui surprised vision arrived in front of Lie Yanglie, the long sword in hand did not have to pound including the scabbard directly on the mouth of Lie Yanglie, has broken a tooth directly.
Lie Yanglie both eyes want to crack, he has not thought that the Beihuang Fan speed can be so fast, only knows that Beihuang Fan is existence that in the contemporaries can only look, but that was also said to others that little main will be easily will not admit defeat regarding him and Demon Sect.
But now does not have to think before one, has concentrated on to guard, but has not evaded, was broken a tooth of mouth, the full mouth blood is distressed, but these are not enough to shock him, shocks his is the Beihuang Fan strength.
Beihuang Fan maintains composure, but she knows that can mainly be Wind-borne Brushing Willow also has Qing Shui to give her strength like this, the speed, the corona that Qing Shui opens also increases the speed, made the Beihuang Fan strength increase directly were too many, what was main was Wind-borne Brushing Willow, some abilities that after all Qing Shui gave were other aspects.
„We walk!” Beihuang Fan looked that does not look at Lie Yanglie, directly to returning.
Qing Shui now on a feeling, aggressive, originally this is aggressive, the Beihuang Fan aura is that type handles matters indifferently, as if any matter will not care, only then her such person makes the present matter is the true aggression, is more aggressive than the person who that type appears externally aggressively, this is the true aggression.
Fierce Yang Immortal Palace where person has not moved, does not have a speech, but dull looks that this such as the goddess common woman like this went out of the line of sight.