Personnel Selection for Teams
Some of what I/O psychologists have learned about the selection of individuals into organizations is not wholly transferable to the selection of teams. Traditional job analytic methods identify the KSAs needed for individual job performance, yet these methods tend to be insensitive to the social context in which work occurs. Groups or teams, by definition, are social entities that in a larger social context. Klimoski and Jones (1995) believe that choosing team members on the basis of individual-task KSAs alone is not enough to ensure optimal team effectiveness. For example, Guzzo and Shea (1992) indicated that considerable interest has been shown in using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (which assesses cognitive style) to select team members. Salas, Burke, and Canon Bowers (2002) asserted that successful team members need two general types of skills.Taskwork skills are those needed by team members to perform the actual task. Because team members must coordinate their action and work independently, they must also possess teamwork skills. These are behaviorial, cognitive, and attitudinal skills. “Although taskwork skills are the foundation for the operational side of performance, teamwork skills are the foundation for the necessary synchronization, integration, and social interaction that must occur between members for the team to complete the assigned goal” (p.240).
Successful selection of team members requires identifying the best mix of personnel for effective team performance. Thus the selection requirements for particular individuals may involve complementing the abilities that other individuals will bring to the task. Creating the right mix can also mean considering those that account for interpersonal compatibility. Establishing team requirements involves identifying and assessing the congruence among members with regard to personality and values. Prieto (1993) asserted that five social skills are particularly critical for an individual to enhance the performance of the group :
1. Gain the Group acceptance.
2. Increase group solidarity.