Saha Farms/Golden Line states in its response that the company requires that age is
evidenced by foreign workers’ passports, and that the company does not employ any
worker under 18 years of age. According to the management of Centaco/Sky Food,
the subcontractors will be punished if any workers are found to have forged documents.
Laemthong emphasises in its response that hiring people under the age of 18
is prohibited by law.
Workers in all six factories reported punitive measures from some supervisors if there
was an argument, some error committed by the worker or if targets were not met.
A frequent punishment described was the employee being held from working overtime,
which has great economic impact. The management of CP Foods explains in its
response that the number of overtime hours varies according to the production plan,
and that not every production line has overtime.
As workers have low salaries they generally want to do overtime shifts, to increase
their income. However, workers in three factories also experienced abuse in the form
of forced overtime when they were not granted permission to leave work after a full
day.85 Workers at Centaco/Sky Food expressed that if they did not work overtime
when ordered they would be suspended, given a written warning or refused future
overtime at later date. Two workers at Laemthong also stated they were forced to
work even when they were sick.