am very stupid!' l cried. "I am here again, a long way from Baghdad, on an island without people! I climbed to the top of a tree and I looked out to sea. My ship was out there. It looked very small. Then I looked down. I saw only trees and more trees. I looked again. There was something a long way away, big and white and round. Was it the top of a house? I walked for many hours and arrived there in the evening. "It is not a house, I thought. There is no door What is it? Is it a giant egg I thought for a long time. Then something moved across the light of the sun. Why is the sky dark?' I cried I looked up. Above my head was a giant bird. I remembered the sailors' stories about giant birds. 'There is one very big bird, they said. "That bird gives elephants to its babies for food. So this, I thought, is an egg from that bird. Now the mother is going to sit on it. l was right. The giant bird sat on the egg and fell asleep there. I had a good idea.