1. Introduction
Advancement in technology in recent years has transformed the meaning and
purpose of communication and encouraged the emergence of new communication
channels. This has brought in its wake new opportunities and challenges for
marketers and for communication specialists in particular. Ultimately these
communication channels based on mobile communications and internet technology
have fashioned bold new approaches in the management of the marketing mix. A
“new” phenomenon i.e. “social media” has come to the front line of media.
So, what exactly is social media? Although there is no single definition, several
sources agree upon certain fundamental characteristics. It is widely acknowledged
that the keys to social media success are user participation, user loyalty, user
motivations, and the interaction between people. In contrast to the mass media
marketing tactics, social media marketing allows companies to connect with potential
customers on a level never before thought possible. The low cost of social media
marketing as well as the quantum of user information that is available have
contributed towards making social media marketing big business (Mangold & Faulds,