Brain or the Party for Thailand USA UK Coup catch seize the government of Burma take seize more than a hundred billion baht in America, Britain, Thailand put a little 9 billion baht fines on the international community, 190 countries voted MPEs rule council. jesus rule out Vol 14 VOl 15
French told jesus cold international community composed of 190 national team a dog adeclared is not afraid of US stooge SPDC
junta objected to the international community. Hell, the whole team news daily news to the temple courts, yet he is a beastly religion. Page conspired to have another dynasty ghost Mr Bhumibol Mad Dog made news oppression bite boss prophet jesus startled every fall I know you see news TV Thai Channel 9, Channel 7 waste plan jesus resolved to change channels to watch the TV Laos month 1 news Laos news World.
Martin 's Press TV Thai Mr Bhumibol not mind doing Buddha watching TV, Laos now Mr. Bhumibol show debuts crazy not being the boss, the owner is the owner of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam,
UN-ICC issued Occupations Coup dated August 7, 2016. EU news fell on August 8, 2016 arrest, impound junta delayed jesus condemn Thailand CDC USA UK condemned the party for violating the terms Vol 14 or ) .html MPEs check your bank account to Thailand Party USA UK impound fines 9 billion baht impound co fines in terms Vol 15.