trained in GC-sniffing and odor recognition, sniffed the humidified effluent of GC and recorded the intensity and characteristics of each odor simultaneously. During the sniffing sessions, the panelists were instructed (i) to signal each odor perceived by pressing a button for as long as the odor was perceived, (ii) to describe the odors reported in written, and (iii) to quantify their intensity on a scale, in the present case with five levels (1, very weak; 2, weak; 3, moderate; 4, strong, and 5, very strong) [18]. A five point scale was preferred to that proposed by Ferreira et al. [19]. The output of the variable potentiometer was connected to a separate channel in the auto chro-GPC software used to collect GC/FID data, and time intensity data from ODP were continuously recorded. Flow rate ratio between FID and ODP was chosen experimentally to ensure the best compromise between chromatographic resolution and sufficient effluent at the sniffing port.