best marketing research in the world and still be ter- ribly off n the number of units you sell, Think of the Wii introduction where backorders went on for months! They did extensive research on demand, only to be terribly wrong. Think of Segway--which thought hundreds of thousands of us would be scooting around town on their machines. Since you really can't know what demand will be. cost-plus pricing will not give you the"guaranteed" profits you expect. 2. Because yot haven't accounted for consumer percep- tions of value Suppose you guessed right about the quantity you would sell. So you got your planned 15 percent(s15) profit on each item. That's great, right? Should you be celebrating? Not necessarily! You might just have cost yourself thousands and thousands of dollars. How? What if the people who wanted this product and bought it at $115, would have been just as will ing to pay $130? You could have had double the prof. its you're actually getting for each item. You just cost yourself or your company--a lot of money. And you will continue to lose that money until the day you learn how tu set a better price.