Authoritarian Regimes. After world war II dictatorship did not become extinct. It appeared in new forms in most of the countries in Asia and Africa which had become independent after the War. All these countries started their careers with democratic institutions, generally of the parliamentary type, but barring a few, all of them succumbed to some form or other of dictatorial rule. But Hitler lying dead and burning in his Berlin bunker and Mussolini’s dead body strung upside down on a gibbet for the crowd’s jeer had made these dictators wiser. They had realize that autocracy in its naked form and the myth of leadership as preached by the totalitarians, would no longer keep them in power for long. They tempered their autocracy with constitutional process. They ascribed their rise to power to inexorable circumstances and promised to bring about condition for the restoration of democracy which the earlier regimes had corrupted and demoralized. The present day dictators, therefore, made democracy an umbrella to shelter their authoritarian rule.