Luna-Figueroa et al. [11] evaluated the effect of different protein concentration in the feed for neon tetra and they
had concluded that rates of growth were higher in fish fed with diet having 53.5% protein level. On that respect a
formulated flake feed having 53.3% crude protein level was prepared using locally available ingredients which
shown in Table 1 along with its proximate composition. Fishes were fed thrice a day at 08.00, 14.00 and 18.00 h.
Uneaten food was siphoned out and nearly 30% of water from each container was exchanged daily. Water
Temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen, were measured daily and ranged 25-26.5°C, 6.8-7.2, and 5.7-6.5 ppm,
respectively. Alkalinity, total hardness was examined weekly and ranged 32.71-39.58 ppm, 43.58-52.66 ppm
respectively. After rearing period of 30 days, fry from each replicate were measured for length and weight and
Specific Growth Rate (SGR) was calculated (mg/day) as ln final wt (mg) - ln initial wt (mg)/day. Survival (%) was
calculated as 100 x (no. survived fish)/(no. initial fish).