Genaral education in Lao PDR consists of pre-shool, primary school and seconddary school.
Most children in lao cities start their education and at bout three years old when they enter pre-school. Pre-school lasts for three years, and prepares children for primary school.
Children study at primary school from about six to eleven years old a total of five years.
Piumary education is compulsory in Lao PDR. after finishing primary school they go to secendary school which takessix years to finish-three years for lower secondary and three years for uper secondary So students complete their genaral education at the age of about sventeen. Students who pass the final exam in secondary school receive a Secondary schhol Certificate.
Students who can pass an entrance examination can continue their education after secondary school. The highest leve of education is University this takes four to six years. Students who do not go to university can undertake tecnical training, which takes three years. Another option is vocatoinal training practical training for a particular jop.