where Tb and Tn
m are the kinetic energy for the suspended
platform and n-th link of the manipulator, ‘‘’’
is the inner product operator. The mass and the
moment of inertia of the platform and n-th link are
represented by Mb, Mn
m and Ib,In
m, respectively.
The potential energy is divided into three parts, as
shown in equation (32). Using the geometric vectors
presented in Figure 11, it can be written as
where Tb and Tnm are the kinetic energy for the suspendedplatform and n-th link of the manipulator, ‘‘’’is the inner product operator. The mass and themoment of inertia of the platform and n-th link arerepresented by Mb, Mnm and Ib,Inm, respectively.The potential energy is divided into three parts, asshown in equation (32). Using the geometric vectorspresented in Figure 11, it can be written as
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