In this context, HRIS is defined as a computer
based application for assembling and processing data
related to the human resources [5]. It is worth
mentioning that HRIS is not limited to the computer
hardware and software applications that comprise
technical part of the systems it also include the people,
policies, procedures and data required to manage the
HR functions [6][7][8]. Many authors concluded that this
technology offers several benefits for both HR and
Operational people. Overman [9] argued that the
potential advantages of HRIS are faster information
processing, greater information accuracy, improved
planning and program development, and enhanced
employee communications. Sadri and Chatterjee [10]
identified the most important benefits that can be
derived from HRIS is that it enables faster decision
making, development, planning and administration of
HR as data is much easier to store, update, classify and
analyze. On the other side of the coin, the most
challenging and limiting constraint of HRIS in a country
like Bangladesh is its high cost of conversion from
manual based HRM, inadequate training for HR people,
lack of supportive infrastructure, as well as the shortage
of technical know-how[11]. Here, we have tried to
explore the current scenario of HRIS in the various
aspects of HRM and expectation of HR people related
to the use of HRIS in the private universities in
Bangladesh. We have also tried to find out the reasons
behind the mismatch between the actual & expected
applications of IT-enabled HRM.