You been here in the date?
What flight?
The time.
Tell me I"m going to pick you up at the airport.
๙ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๑๔:๐๐ น.
dear Jaeb
can´t say what time go this week look for ticket
if you get a ticket for me
, I will wait for you.
a ticket for you ?
๙ พฤษภาคม ๒๕๕๙ ๑๔:๓๒ น.
fromm BKK to your home N R ?
Do not use the ticket for my
flight, I mean, you come to Thailand.
yes and we fly together Where ? Nak. Rat .? to you ?
I"ll pick you up at the Bangkok to come to my house at Nakhon Ratchasima.
good this very nice for me but have you toilrt for falang ?