so now the last type I want to talk to guys about
0:03is Owen W a and in this
0:06marriage stance for wide area
0:09network so let me see if I can drop
0:15are really tear board Ron of the United States see is California the
0:20Texas okay gannett start again
0:23California then yet Texas stand here in the United Florida
0:28and then I think something sticks out in New York
0:32year's main up there and then you know can't forget about Michigan
0:36Wow this is probably the worst
0:40geron I have ever now looks like a dog with a tumor on its back
0:44after were anyways what to say that this is you know the United States USA
0:49and I want to try this because this of course house me demonstrate away in
0:53so what is a win well away in is made up of multiple
0:57means so here's the city here's a city you know
1:02here's a city they all look the same for some reason I don't get enough
1:07and what is the basically what's the definition of a way in which the
1:11definition of
1:12a wide area network well one of the criteria is it needs span
1:16larger than 30 miles
1:19so anything less than 30 miles whenever computers are connected
1:24you can call it of course a man anything larger
1:28would indeed be away and a wide area network
1:31and another thing is are you know a cool way of remembering this
1:35is you have your telephone company in the telephone company you she has
1:40a bunch of telephone poles connected all across the america
1:45world East telephones whenever they're connected like this
1:49this would be an example of a way in it's pretty much
1:53and network that spans greater then 30 miles so that's probably the most
1:57easy or simple arm explanation of a win
2:00an the biggest and most famous win is of course
2:04internet so away and you can remember the Internet in your remember that
2:10nothing is bigger than a way in
2:12it's the biggest computer network you can get and of course
2:15internet in case you haven't heard of it before its most famous computer network
2:20and noms the different types of technologies that these
2:23maynes used to transfer data to each other to form a win
2:27is course satellite the you sadly in the air in the house use fiberoptic cable
2:33so RJR you know nice high speed fiber-optic cable between these
2:38and also the use you know all school copper cable
2:42even telephone wires is someone you know the slower areas
2:46but that's basically the very basics up
2:49on Wayne it's a wide area network and
2:53telephone companies in internet make up some the most famous wins
2:57and also the use pretty much every technology that you can think of
3:00arse I got kennel cough
3:04every technology that you can think of to transfer data
3:07and again like I said in the beginning there are many different ways
3:11to classify you know on getting new slider here
3:15and new layer there are many different ways to classify computer networks
3:19but probably the easiest just by size remember lawn
3:23one building man think a bit like a city
3:27in a way I am you can think up across
3:30entire nation or cross the entire world like the Internet so nice thank you guys
3:35for watching
3:36number you subscribe to see guys in the next video