High strength automobile industry wastewater, collected from decanters (DECA) of the pre-treatment
plant after oil, grease and sludge separation, was investigated for production of methane in the
absence and presence of glucose or excess aerobic sludge (AS) from a lab scale suspension reactor as cosubstrates.
The highest methane production from DECA wastewater was 335.4 L CH4/kg CODsoluble
removal which decreased in the presence of the co-substrates to 232.5 (with 2 g/L glucose) and to 179
(with 40% AS) L CH4/kg CODsoluble removal, respectively. Around 95% of total methane was produced
within 5 days of incubation of DECA at 37 C when no co-substrate was added. Addition of co-substrates
did not improve biodegradation of DECA but overall methane production from DECA þ co-substrates was
increased due to co-substrate biodegradation. The anaerobic inoculum, capable of producing 2.4 mol of
hydrogen/mol of glucose under zinc induced inhibitory conditions, was unable to produce hydrogen
from DECA as substrate under the same conditions.
High strength automobile industry wastewater, collected from decanters (DECA) of the pre-treatmentplant after oil, grease and sludge separation, was investigated for production of methane in theabsence and presence of glucose or excess aerobic sludge (AS) from a lab scale suspension reactor as cosubstrates.The highest methane production from DECA wastewater was 335.4 L CH4/kg CODsolubleremoval which decreased in the presence of the co-substrates to 232.5 (with 2 g/L glucose) and to 179(with 40% AS) L CH4/kg CODsoluble removal, respectively. Around 95% of total methane was producedwithin 5 days of incubation of DECA at 37 C when no co-substrate was added. Addition of co-substratesdid not improve biodegradation of DECA but overall methane production from DECA þ co-substrates wasincreased due to co-substrate biodegradation. The anaerobic inoculum, capable of producing 2.4 mol ofhydrogen/mol of glucose under zinc induced inhibitory conditions, was unable to produce hydrogenfrom DECA as substrate under the same conditions.
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