Housekeeping is one of the most diverse departments in
the hotels and plays a very important role in the guest
relations as it functions back of the house. The
housekeeping department includes work such as cleaning
of rooms, making beds, laundry, floristry, maintenance of
the public areas, etc. Housekeeping is considered to be
very difficult job as well as less reputed. The department is
playing a major role in the contribution to the property’s
green practices. This department is the department facing
the highest employee turnover in the industry. Executives
are constantly trying to motivate the housekeeping team to
perform better. They try to provide them with monetary
and non-monetary bonuses, trainings, good schedule, etc.
They try to including people from different cultural
diversities. This will benefit the organization, by different
ideas from employees with different background.
Housekeeping is the least admired department in the
hotels, due to its nature of work. This department demands
a lot of physical work with very less guest contact. It is
considered as a low skill, low pay occupation, comprising
monotonous work. But it is very essential for the
successful running of the operations. The cleanliness of
the room is a major factor for the guest to decide if he
should return to the hotel or not. A clean room may not
satisfy a guest fully, but a dirty room will certainly be
noticed and will create a negative impact.Mumbai is
known for its high cultural diversity that comes from
different parts of the world. But the problems also exist.
Mumbai is one of the major centers for business,
commerce, and entertainment industry. The hotels in
Mumbai range from budget hotels to luxurious resorts.
There are all types of service for all types of people. Most
of the luxurious hotel properties fulfil the needs of the
modern day guests, by providing them unique facilities
and luxurious services.