We are please to inform you that our office will be functional on the declared APEC related holidays, November 18-19, 2015. Each department/until will be manned by a skeletal work force and as such, normal work flows will be properly observed.
We understand that both MICT and South piers will also be operational on the said dates.
Our Terminal checkers will be reporting to work from 0900 to 1700 hours to attend to your requirements.
In reference to our earlier notice, below are the operating schedule of our depot;
Northbay Unidepot / RAO CY: 0800 – 1700 hours (November 18 – 19)
Marina One Logistics: 1000 – 1800 hours & 2200 – 0600 hours (November 17 – 20)
We trust that the above information will meet your understanding