The breed of chicken, type of meat portion and cooking had
significant effects on the levels of all bioactive compounds analysed
in this experiment (p< 0.05). KNCs can be considered a better
source of carnosine, anserine, andcarnitine compared toCBs.Breast
meat showed significantly higher histidyl dipeptide contents,
whereas leg meat had higher betaine and carnitine contents
(p< 0.05). Cooking of chicken meat caused significant losses in
the contents of all endogenous compounds (p< 0.05). The resultsof
this studyareveryimportanttobreeders,producers,andconsumers
of poultry because no scientific literature comparing these
endogenous bioactive compounds inmeatfromCBs andindigenous
chickens, particularly KNCs, had been published prior to this study