It can be seen that in the case of ‘classic’ social facilities, the Azores have
achieved reasonable rates of coverage but some imbalances still remain in their
territorial distribution. Efforts will be made to overcome this during the 2014-
2020 time frame.
It is still necessary to invest in crèches for children, particularly in the islands of
Santa Maria and São Miguel.
With regard to support for senior citizens, there is a need to expand the
network, considering the demographic aging in some areas.
For the 2014-2020 period it is also necessary to consider the need to remodel
and rehabilitate a significant number of facilities which, having reached the end
of their useful life, need in-depth intervention due to the constant process of
deterioration, caused by physical degradation, a loss of functionality and
Since proximity to facilities and solutions is an essential factor in these areas, in
order to enable rapid and effective actions to prevent and combat situations of
poverty, investments will be made to develop a decentralised network of social
Public investment will thus focus on children and youths to expand the network
of crèches and youth activity centres. Support for senior citizens is also a
priority, which involves improving the network of services providing home
support, day centres and night centres. There will be an emphasis on proximity,
so as to promote autonomy for senior citizens and to provide support for the
disabled and their families.