Both approaches were helpful for the PSTs’ learning about problem solving [PS]. However, Approach 2 highlighted more of the taken-for-granted cognitive aspects of the PS process, thus producing a more realistic view and model of PS as a way of thinking mathematically. In Approach 1, the PSTs included affective aspects in describing the PS experience (e.g., feelings of frustration) while Approach 2 focused mainly on the cognitive aspects. Thus an approach that combines the two will likely be more powerful than each separately in capturing the lived experience of PS. The study offers support for the use of such an approach in PST education to provide a rich basis of personal experience for a meaningful self-study to make sense of PS. It will allow the PSTs to go beyond describing the steps leading to a solution which gives the appearance of a linear process and hides the thinking aspect of it. The peer collaboration and discussions, creation of problem-solving models are also key aspects of the approaches to allow them to validate and extend their processes and what PS means. However, such approaches are not sufficient by themselves to help their overall development of MPSKT, which involves other factors not dealt with in this study.