First started in the year 1865 marked a significant date for drummers and their instrument, because for the first time, they began the experimentation of putting together more than one instrument. Meaning- The combining of multiple drums. In military and orchestral music settings, drums and cymbals were traditionally played separately by one or many percussionists. The bass drum, snare drum, cymbals, and other percussion instruments were all played using hand-held drum sticks. The progressive thinking of drummers in theaters and stage shows around this time also helped contribute to the creation of the drum set because they were focusing on the concept of having one drummer be able to do the job of multiple percussionists. Double-drumming began to allow the bass and snare to be played by one person with sticks, and the cymbals to be played by tapping one's foot on a 'low-boy'. With this approach, the bass drum was usually played on beats one and three and the music was designed to assist large groups of soldiers march. This simple and straightforward drumming approach eventually led to the birth of ragtime music due to the simplistic marching beats becoming more syncopated, resulting in more of a swing and dance feel. The drum set was referred to as a "trap set" and the drummers were referred to as "trap drummers" from the late 1800s to around the 1930s.
As early as 1840, experimentation with foot pedals began. Circa 1870, it was standard for drummers to use what was called an "overhang pedal." Most drummers in the 1870s actually preferred to do double drumming without any pedal at all as a way to play multiple drums, rather than use an overhang pedal. Many patented their pedal systems such as Dee Dee Chandler of New Orleans 1904–05.[6] Liberating the hands for the first time, this evolution saw the bass drum played with the foot of a standing percussionist (thus the term "kick drum") and became the central piece around which every other percussion instruments would later revolve. Ludwig-Musser, William F. Ludwig, Sr., and his brother, Theobald Ludwig, founded the Ludwig & Ludwig Co. in 1909 and patented the first workable bass drum pedal system, paving the way for what was to become the modern drum kit.[7] It was the golden age of drum building for many famous drum companies, with Ludwig introducing... "The ornately engraved Black Beauty Brass Snare drum; Slingerland premiered its Radio King solid-maple shell; Leedy invented the floating drum head & self-aligning lug;& Gretsch originated the three-way tension system of the Gladstone snare drum". (Latter quote from pages 5–6 of Jon Cohan's "Star Sets- Drum Kits of the Great Drummers", with a foreword by Bill Bruford). Brushes were introduced 1912. The need for brushes arose due to the ongoing problem of drummers playing overshadowing the other instruments on stage. Drummers in this time period began using metal fly swatters to be able to reduce the volume on stage next to the other acoustic instruments, while at the same being able to play the rudimental snare figures and grooves they would normally play with drumsticks. As brushes gained popularity, the drum companies of that day started manufacturing these metal fly swatters into what would eventually become named and know as, brushes.