Pillay et al. (2002) reported no
significant differences between plasma levels of ZON, a-ZOL, and
b-ZOL in patients with breast cancer, cervical carcinoma and
healthy subjects.
In all cases, mean levels were lower than
0.5 ng mL1 in samples that underwent previous enzymatic digestion.
On the other hand, Kuciel-Lisieska et al. (2008) analyzed the
serum of 200 women with breast cancer and found that the presence
of ZON in plasma increased the probability of hyperoestrogenism
and therefore the risk of malignant and benign tumor growth.
In samples that did not undergo enzymatic digestion, a mean level
of 7.66 ng mL1 and a degree of positivity of 37% (74/200) were
found. Massart et al. (2008) assessed serum levels of ZON and its
five metabolites in 32 girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty
and in 31 controls.
Samples underwent an enzymatic digestion.
Only ZON and a-ZOL were detected with a degree of
positivity of 9.5% (6/63) and mean concentrations of 0.9 ng mL1
and 0.1 ng mL1, respectively.
The authors suggested a possible
association between environmental mycoestrogen exposure and
the development of central precocious puberty in girls.