The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of PDEODE teaching strategy in helping students making sense of everyday situations. The study answered the two hypotheses given in the introduction, the first of which is related to effectiveness of the teaching intervention on students’ interpretations everyday phenomena about condensation. Results obtained suggested that the teaching strategy was an effective means of providing students to make sense of
everyday situations. Data presented in Tables 3 and 4 clearly show that after the intervention students improved their interpretations of everyday problems in the test. Furthermore, this positive result strengthened with statistical analysis which was found to be statistically significant (Table 5). The success of the teaching strategy in this study could be attributed to the inclusion of verbal and non-verbal actions (Van Oers, 1998) embedded within the context of inter and intragroup class discussions among peers (Howe et al, 1992; Lee & Anderson, 1993). The discussions provide students to examine either own or classmates’ preconceptions and experiences about everyday problems. Hence, they have chance to realize explanation of everyday problems in variety of perspectives and afterwards they learn scientific explanations of them guided with teacher.