'You know the rest of the story. Your uncle came to the police station and phoned Sheikh Bin Salem. The police wanted to send me to prison for taking the jewels but Sheikh Bin Salem was against it. l're worked for him for a long time. He said to the police that perhaps my story was true. In the end. the police said that I could leave.'
'What are you going lo do now?' asked Ibrahim.
'i want to forget these last few days. I want to go back lo work. i want to do what I usually do, but i don't think that
I can. Sheikh Bin Salem told me to take a long holiday. He wunfs to give people lime. He wants to give them time to forget all this. I don't think that they will forget it. but Sheikh Bin Salem has been very good to me so I must agree lo his plans.'
'One day the police will catch the real thief and then we can forget all about this,' said my mother.
'Now please children. leave me alone. I'm feeling very tired,' said my father.
We all left the room. Catch the real thief Were the police even looking? T turned around and opened the door again. My father was sifting on the chair. His head was in his hands.