MIC value is used to evaluate antimicrobial nature of plant
extracts and minimum quantity of antimicrobial compound
required to kill or arrest multiplication of all microorganisms
present in the medium or body fluid. Extracts and fractions
of Ocimum sanctumleaves showed effective antifungal
activity against all dermatophytic fungus tested and the
MICranged from (125.00依25.00) 毺g/mL to (425.00依66.14)
毺g/mL. Methanol fraction yielded effective MICagainst
Trichophyton mentagrophyteswith MIC value of about
(125.00依25.00) 毺g/mL concentrations. All the extracts and
fractions effectively inhibited the growth of Trichophyton
mentagrophytesat lower concentration from (125.00依25.00)
毺g/mL to (266.66依101.03) 毺g/mL, whereas other fungal
growth inhibition needed at least (291.66依28.86) 毺g/mL
of extracts and fractions. Among extracts alcoholic extract
showed best activity. MICrequired to inhibit the growth of
Trichophyton mentagrophyteswas (166.66依14.43) 毺g/mL
and (383.33依28.86) 毺g/mL against Trichophyton rubrum,
(366.66依38.11) 毺g/mL against Microsporum gypseum,
(383.66依14.43) 毺g/mL against Microsporum nanum, and
(366.66依57.73) 毺g/mL against Epidermophyton floccosum
(Table 1). Among fractions methanol fraction exhibited best
activity against all dermatophytic fungus: (125.00依25.00)
毺g/mL against Trichophyton mentagrophytes, (350.00依66.14)
毺g/mL against Trichophyton rubrum, (375.00依25.00) 毺g/
mL against Microsporum gypseum, and (383.33依14.43) 毺g/
mL against Epidermophyton floccosum).
The results of preliminary quantita