When administered as a split dose, P/MC was superior to day-before dosing with 2L PEG-3350 and bisacodyl tablets
in overall cleansing and in cleansing the individual segments, including the ascending colon, as assessed by the
Aronchick and Ottawa scales. Split-dose P/MC was better tolerated than day-before 2L PEG-3350 and bisacodyl tablets
dosing based on ease of consumption, overall experience, taste, and preference to receive the preparation again in the future. Split-dose P/MC was a safe preparation with an incidence of related AEs that was similar to AEs experienced by patients using day-before 2L PEG-3350 and bisacodyl tablets dosing. During the study, there were no clinically relevant findings on physical examinations, vital sign measurements, laboratory test results, or ECGs after
treatment with P/MC. There were shifts in the concentration of magnesium and urine pH observed on
the day of colonoscopy, but these were not deemed clinically significant. These biochemical shifts, which returned
to the normal range by the end of the study and resolved without sequelae, were likely caused by the magnesium
component in the bowel preparation. The results of this study are consistent with the findings of efficacy, safety,
and tolerability in the literature for the ingredients of P/MC.7-10 Administered in a split-dose or day-before regimen,
P/MC is an effective, well-tolerated, and safe bowel preparation for colonoscopy.