We should all aspire to develop day. Below are some ideas and our leadership every tips that can help. They are around what leadership is all about and what can based be done on a day-to-day basis to improve it Leadership is a relationship 1. Leadership is relationship between leader and follower. It is therefore about a defined by the the leader has on people and activities around him or has her, rather than simply the skill set or competencies that the person Leaders to engage people. This is about listening hard to people first to need Build trust by being the understand their issues, desires, stories, moans. trust in them leadership relationship: if emember that followers have huge power in the 2. they choose not to follow, you are a leader. But remember that it leader you should be prepared to follow at times. Leadership not a position is a relationship, so everyday with every relationship, consider what you need to do at moment lead or follow? Leadership occurs at all levels within organisations 3. Leadership is not confined to the top team in an organisation. Acts of Non- leadership can happen throughout an organisation, from top to bottom. in As managers as well as managers can be leaders. Leadership is expected to managers but not confined to managers. So it is therefore beyond hierarchy. Do someone looking to lead this means being prepared to ask senior managers Prayide direction upwards, give guidance where it is appropriate. they are Senior